IT has happened again.
Another case of CANCER HEALED.
After taking the medicines for 6 weeks from DAPROF HERBAL CARE COLON CANCER STAGE TWO GROWTH has VANISHED. THE doctor from Denmark hospital is astonished as to why a growth should VANISHED. Therefore he decided to do further investigation as to why it vanished and what caused it vanished and why the supposed thing caused it to vanished.
This is not an advert but to announce the great things happening at DAPROF Herbal CARE.
All glory belongs to God in the highest forever!
NB. Don’t call me and ask if we cure cancer. The answer is no.
He has allowed me to share the MRI results with others to encourage them because CANCER is not curable.
I am a police inspector who has been nominated for police operation but faces medical exam’s failure due to HIGH FATTY LIVER PROBLEM, as a result of excessive alcohol consumption.
The doctor decided to give me 3days to repeat my LFT (Liver functions test), so that if it is still very high then I have to be dropped. I was confused don’t know what to do, so I saw another medical doctor friend who told me to go and see DAPROF.
In fact, I saw DAPROF who gave me a medicine called DAPROF HEPA-ONE with some instructions. After taking this medicine for just 3 days my LFT dropped by over 100. See the results before and after below.
75 year old woman cured of Cervical Cancer
Viewers Discretion is Advised!!!!!!!
This thing came out of one of the cancer patients who have recovered at DAPROF Herbal Care after 2 months on treatment. A 75 yrs old woman diagnosed of cervical cancer.
This is the 5th cancer patients doing well on treatment.
All parameters were good: ESR drop from 150 to 57 to 10mmfall/hr; Hb jump from 6 to 10 to 14g/dl, biopsy drops from stage 4 to 1 and shrinking.
We have not told anyone we treat or cure cancer because there’s no known cure for it.
This is not an advert but the goodness of God in DAPROF Herbal Care.
If people must believe they need an Evidence.
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